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Sustainable, Simple Ways to Lose Weight for Women
Let’s start off by saying I am not a healthcare professional, these are my thoughts and shared experiences of what has worked for me and what I have learned on my journey so far. Let’s get started on 10 simple ways women can lose weight…
1) Drink water
I personally struggle with this. I don’t want to admit this but I drink more coffee than I should and struggle to get enough water in. Despite the frequent trips to the bathroom, you NEED to drink more water. The body is made up mostly of water, so obviously we need to replenish that. I drink a glass as soon as I get up and make sure I sip on water throughout the day. This is something I’m still working on but drinking more water is a must!

I like to drink green tea, kombucha (check the sugar content) and flavoured sparkling water also to make it more interesting. You don’t have to only consume boring, plain water! Making small swaps like sparkling water instead of a can of pop makes a huge difference.
Benefits of drinking more water:
- flush toxins out of your body
- curb appetite….the body is often dehydrated when craving foods
- increased mental clarity
- body functions more efficiently
2) Simply Start Moving
Whether you like to walk, jog, bike etc. it doesn’t matter just start moving more. I like to walk and track my steps with my Fitbit. If you hate running, don’t. Find something you actually enjoy doing. If you don’t like to be active at all I would suggest a stationary bike or walking first.
Park your car further away from work or the grocery store. Force yourself to move more! Download a podcast or some music, set a goal and start moving. I like to set a specific step goal or time. Once I get to 10, 000 steps I can go home. Etc.
3) Resistance/Weight Training for Weight Loss
This is just as important as cardio exercise (walking, jogging, biking) for your overall health. You don’t have to have legit, heavy weights either, especially if you are just starting. Resistance bands are also a great way to add some resistance to your movements and develop strong muscle. Having muscle is beneficial in so many ways. Girls do not be afraid to add weight to your movements.
Some of my favourite weighted exercises for overall health and balance are:
- squats
- deadlifts
- donkey kicks with resistance band
- hip thrusts with resistance band
- shoulder lateral, front and above head raises
- tricep dips (you can do these and hip thrusts with a couch or chair or even laying on the ground.
Focus on proper form!–if you don’t know how to properly do something look it up or ask for help!
4) Plan your Meals and Snacks
Plan healthy meals and snacks that you like. You can still eat “unhealthier” foods and feel satisfied as long as you have control over the portion. I struggle myself with this the most. You can find tons of healthy meal ideas and don’t be afraid to experiment.
Side note: I love pizza and instead of always indulging in a slice, I started making mini pizza crackers. Pizza sauce, your choice of toppings/cheese etc. and your choice of cracker is all you need. It helps satisfy my pizza cravings but don’t get me wrong I still eat the real deal-in moderation.
If the task seems a little overwhelming for those of you who don’t enjoy cooking (like me) start planning and preparing dinners for work days and packing an easy breakfast.
Do what works for you. Every small change matters!
5) Limit temptations and chances of failure
Keep foods you might be tempted to lose control or binge on out of your house if possible and at the very least out of sight. I am guilty of this one! It’s hard sometimes not to give in but try to separate yourself from the
6) Vitamins and meds on schedule
If you take daily medications make sure you are taking them on a consistent schedule. Set an alarm or keep them somewhere you will see them first thing. Also, many people are deficient in one type of vitamin or mineral. Of course you should check in with a healthcare professional before starting any regime. I personally take a multivitamin for women, calcium/magnesium vitamin d and vitamin c.
Make sure you plan and space out taking any meds and vitamins that need to be taken a few hours before or after….or some vitamins that require others to absorb properly into the body. (Calcium, magnesium etc….vitamin d needs magnesium to assist in proper activation.
7) Stop black and white thinking & beating yourself up
One very important but simple way for women to lose weight and be happy is your mindset! If you slip up and make a mistake, don’t think “well the day is ruined now I might as well eat everything I want now”. NO! You just set yourself back further from your goal. If you fell down on a walk you wouldn’t just lay there and spend the night because you slipped, don’t treat other things in your life this way.
8) Comparing yourself to others or your past self
Where YOU are today is the only thing that matters, comparing yourself to how fit others are or how fit you used to be will not serve you in any way. Comparison will not change anything, and will likely end up making you feel bad about where you are now, which just hinders any progress. Focus on doing your best today and keep pushing yourself forward each day.
9) Focus on your accomplishments and show gratitude
It’s so easy to focus on what you didn’t do or didn’t achieve, cut yourself some slack and celebrate whatever it is that you did accomplish and then push for more next time. Each tiny little step forward counts in the journey. If you showed up and only were able to do 20 mins, be thankful you were able to complete those 20. No one is perfect and every little bit counts for something. I often get caught up in the thought of “I only did…” or “I should have done more, why didn’t I push myself.” These thoughts are not helpful. Acknowledge if you could have pushed yourself more and do better next time around.
10) What you focus on will be what you become. Maintain a healthy mindset and make it a lifestyle.
Remember this isn’t about your appearance or simply losing weight. When you feel good you look good. I spent many years trying to be as skinny and fit as possible and was still horribly unhappy with myself and battled health issues which made me feel like crap most of the time. The physical benefits WILL come, you will notice tone and muscle and fat loss but that shouldn’t be the only thing you focus on!

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