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Feeling stuck? Don’t know where to start? Keep reading if you’re ready to break out of your rut and get your life back on track.
What is being in a “rut” anyways?
Being stuck in a rut happens to everyone now and then. As a result, you feel like you’re just going through the motions day to day, you’re not feeling motivated or inspired by anything and you feel stuck doing the same old things day after day.
We are basically stuck, existing in one spot but not moving forward. If this sounds familiar, no worries! There are simple steps you can take to get unstuck and moving forward again.
How to tell if you’re in a rut:
- You feel unmotivated and uninspired.
- You just go through the motions each day.
- Each day feels the same.
- There is nothing exciting or fulfilling about your day.
- You feel stuck and KNOW something has to change.
Reasons you might be feeling stuck in a rut:
People can get stuck in a rut for MANY different reasons, some of the most common are:
- Fearing failure…which leads to inaction and being stuck
- Not having a clear vision or purpose
- Limiting beliefs
- Fear to take action due to what is expected of you (Tip: this is your life, don’t waste it worrying about what other people think or what you think you should do.)
Action plan for getting out of a rut:
Step 1:
Congratulations! If you’re reading this you probably already have accomplished step 1, which is admitting you’re stuck in a rut.
You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge. Self-awareness is key. Now you can figure out why you’re stuck and create an action plan.
Step 2:
Drop the guilt and shame. Everyone gets stuck or lost at some point. You don’t always have to have everything figured out. Feeling badly about where you are now will only cause you more grief and setbacks.
Step 3:
Figure out what exactly you need to change. Maybe you know exactly what is holding you back, either way it is super helpful to do a “brain dump”.
Write down whatever comes into your mind, don’t hold back. List all the things you like about your life and the things you’re unhappy with.
Example: After looking at your list you realize that you’re unhappy and feel stuck because you hate your current job and you feel like you can’t move up in your life because this job is holding you back from enjoying life.
“The definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes over and over again and expecting different results.”
Step 4:
Look at your list and see what you have to power to change. Pick a few small goals to start with. Pick a couple of things that you can work toward by making small changes in your life.
Example: We have determined the job is the main goal we need to change. Although it’s not typically possible to just up and quit your job on the spot, know that everything is temporary and you can start to make a change!
Set some small goals to get some momentum. For example, researching jobs one day a week, or connect with 3 people that can help you along your journey.
Start scheduling more time to do things you actually enjoy, get creative! It can help to do something to inspire you and get your creativity flowing again.
Lastly, once you have your goals set you’re ready for some action!
Step 5:
Now take action! Any sort of small, aligned action to your goals is a step in the right direction. Schedule yourself time in to dedicate to these goals.
Example: Spend an hour a day updating your resume and connecting with people in the industry you want to work in. Make an exit plan to get out of the job you hate in X amount of months.
It doesn’t have to be something as drastic as an entire career change. Whatever is causing you to feel stuck and unmotivated can be overcome. Making small changes all add up in the long run.
Final Thoughts:
There you have it! A simple action plan to start you in the right direction to getting out of a rut! I hope these ideas on how to get out of a rut were helpful to anyone who is feeling unmotivated and stuck.
Please leave any suggestions or comments you’d like to share.
All you need to do is take the first step!
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