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What are affirmations?
Affirmations for confidence and self-esteem are short, positive statements that affirm how you want to be. Plus, positive affirmations are backed by science. By affirming that you already are what you desire you can overcome self-limiting and negative self-talk. Affirmations are a great tool to use every day to get you motivated and focused on positive things.
If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of positive affirmations, you can read more here. Let’s get to the examples of affirmations!
Affirmations for Confidence
Here are some examples of affirmations for confidence:
I have wonderful qualities to offer this world.
I deserve love and respect.
I am stronger than I think.
I will achieve my goals.
I am successful.
I am kind.
I am intelligent.
I am at peace with myself.
I am a good person.
I have great qualities to share with the world.
I believe in myself.
I am capable.
I am proud of all that I have achieved in life.
There is nothing I can’t handle.
I am in control of my thoughts, feelings and actions.
I am strong.
No one else can define me, I am unapologetically me.
I achieve everything I put my mind to.
I know what is best for me.
I am worthy.
I am already enough.
Mistakes don’t mean failure, I choose to learn from them, and come back better.
I will achieve my dreams.

Affirmations for Self-Esteem Boost
I believe in myself.
I can do great things.
I am able to handle anything that comes my way.
I accept myself, unconditionally.
I live in the present moment and let go of the past with ease.
I am proud of myself.

Affirmations for Body Confidence
Here are some examples of affirmations for body confidence:
I feel strong and confident in my body.
I love my body as it is today.
I am thankful for all that my body does for me.
I treat my body with kindness and respect.
I am happy and healthy.
My body is a gift that deserves love and kindness.
I am beautiful, inside and out.
I accept myself, as I am.
I don’t compare myself to others.
I am unique.
My body is my home and I take good care of it.
I deserve to feel good.
I love my ____. (fill in with something you love about your body)
I have the power to change how I think and feel about myself.
I am healthy and vibrant.
I take care of my body and all of its needs.
I am not defined by my body, my body is my home and I treat it with care and respect.

Affirmations for Anxiety
Here are some examples of affirmations for anxiety:
I am in control over my thoughts
I am in control over my emotions
I choose to feel calm
I choose to let go of thoughts that don’t serve me.
I am doing the best I can, and that is enough.
I am right where I need to be.
I release myself from the past.
I am focused on the present.
I am at peace.
My past does not define me.
I am stronger than I realize.
My future is bright.
I deserve to be happy and calm.
I am happy.
There is so much good to come.
I am in control.
I can handle anything that comes my way.
I am safe.
I am loved.
I am okay.
Final Thoughts
There you have it! Use these affirmations for confidence and self-esteem, to boost your mood and start making your inner voice, a kinder one.
Let us know which affirmation is your favourite to boost your confidence!
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