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So You Can Live Your Best Life
You can’t live your very best life if you’re not feeling your best so let’s look at some ways to boost your positive energy immediately and be on your way to manifesting your dream life.

Focus on the good and the good gets better.
Focus on the good and the positive things and people around you. Pet your cat or dog, admire the flowers outside, changing leaves, or the fresh white snow. Find something that makes you feel good to focus on and you’ll feel a boost in your positive energy immediately.
Practice gratitude for all that you have. Start a gratitude journal, thinking about all that you have to be grateful for will boost your positive energy immediately and make you feel blessed.
Avoid negative people
Avoid the negative nancys of the world. Wish them well and bid them adieu. Unless, you can’t then try to ignore their negativity and/or try to put a positive twist on their constant complaints.
Spend time with positive, uplifting people…don’t know any? Seek them out, find youtube videos, podcasts or people on the internet who have the positive mindset you want to attract.
“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”
Marcus Aurelius
Let it go
Let things go. Don’t hold onto things that aren’t good for you. This means grudges, hurt, clutter. When my brain and/or home get cluttered I find it hard to get anything done. Let things go that you don’t need, both mentally and physically.
Don’t be afraid of change. You need to change in order to grow.
Laughter really is the best medicine. Watch funny videos, listen to something funny, read jokes-whatever makes you laugh.
Self-talk & Positive affirmations
Self-talk is so important. We spend so much time in our own heads, why not make it a nice, welcoming place to be. Don’t be afraid to hype yourself up. Stop talking shit, about others, and about yourself. If you constantly talk badly to yourself, you can’t expect to do your best, or feel your best. Use positive affirmations to boost your positive energy and mindset.

Famous, Successful People Who Swear by Positive Affirmations
- Jennifer Lopez
- Oprah
- Ashley Graham
- Connor McGregor
- Rose Namajunas
- Denzel Washington
- Will Smith
- Steve Harvey
- Lady GaGa
- Jay-Z
- Jim Carrey
Shall I go on?… These incredibly successful people use positive affirmations and their mind to achieve their massive success.
“I believe you can speak things into existence.”
You can’t fix what you don’t acknowledge.
Be aware of negative thinking patterns. You can work on shifting negative thoughts to more positive ones once you are aware. Start noticing when your thoughts start to slip into negative territory and watch your positive energy increase as you change your thoughts.
You are what you “eat”.
You are what you eat…and consume in general. Junk food might taste delicious but too much of it will make you feel sluggish and crappy. Just like negative news, gossip, etc., might entice you in because we are excited by the latest, juicy news… but it only leads to negative and crappy vibes. Focus on the quality of what you are feeding yourself-mind, body and soul.
Set achievable goals
Set small, achievable goals and get to work on them. Doesn’t matter where you start, just start somewhere. Want to be more fit? Set a goal to go for a 20 minute walk and increase it from there. You don’t need to go 0-100 but you do need to put your foot on the gas.
Be mindful! It can be hard, especially if you have a naturally racing mind like me. BUT, as impossible as it may seem, you can learn to recognize your thoughts, slow your mind and live more in the present moment.
TIP: Try going for a walk, pay attention to what you see, count the trees, feel the temperature of the air, count your breaths and focus on the moment. Also, don’t give up just because it’s hard.
Positive peony
Final Thoughts
Use these easy ways to boost your positive energy and you are on your way to start manifesting your best life. You can live the way YOU want to, you just have to focus your mind and energy on that dream.
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