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Are you struggling with keeping a healthy mindset? Do you feel like you need to make some changes but don’t know where to start? This post is here to help you learn about 7 daily habits for a healthy mindset.

1. Start your morning off with a PRODUCTIVE routine!
I’ve always been the type of person to snooze my alarm a few times, jump out of bed at the latest possible moment, rush around doing the bare minimum I needed to do to get myself ready and out the door to rush to work.
I felt groggy and out of sorts but this didn’t stop me from doing this daily. Everyday, I would tell myself the same thing “I’m just SO tired, I need that extra 10-20 minutes of sleep.” Truth is, sometimes it sucks, but when you push yourself to get up and moving along, you’ll be grateful for the extra time and less stress.
One of the biggest changes I have made is tweaking my morning routine to something positive, that actually serves me and sets me up for a positive mindset and a productive day.
TIP: Now, I don’t suggest you go from 0-100. If you are someone who snoozes the alarm, don’t set yourself the goal of waking up at 5am and going for a run because it’s just not going to happen. Start small and add achievable goals to your routine. Get up 10 mins earlier and stretch. Start with small habits and build on them!
- Get up an hour earlier!
- HYDRATE, drink water 1st thing
- Shower, wash your face, brush your teeth. (this will help you feel more alert)
- Coffee and breakfast while you do a short guided meditation and gratitude journal.
- Say your positive affirmations and stretch
- Get dressed, do your hair and makeup if you want, while listening to a motivational audiobook or podcast
- Make sure you have everything you need for your day (lunch made the night before)
- Out the door, start work, begin your day!
2. Don’t look at your phone first thing!
Avoid getting sucked into the latest news ,gossip on facebook, instagram posts, emails etc. Don’t even look at your phone unless it is to put on a motivational podcast, audiobook, meditation music etc.
All of those things will still be on your phone later in the day. You do not need to be checking everything immediately after waking up. Try to be more present in your personal, physical world first thing.
You won’t miss out on anything, I promise! Having a schedule will allow you to have time for everything in your day.
For example, you don’t have to anxiously check your emails as soon as you wake up, because you know they will still be there when you are ready to get to work.
Worrying about what’s in that email from your while trying to get ready for work, when you can’t take any action at that moment is pointless and just causes anxiety.

3. Journaling
Journaling is an awesome habit to develop a healthy mindset. Writing down your goals, thoughts, feelings, hopes, dreams, reflection of your day, etc. is a great way of getting all the thoughts in your mind out, so you can reflect and see where you can improve.
The practice of journaling can help your mental health, be helpful in reducing anxiety and depression and overall keeps your mind sharp and creative.
If you want to give journaling a try but are stuck on what you should write about check out these journal prompts.
4. Set your intentions/goals for the day
Set some goals and intentions for your day. Even if you just set these intentions in your head. “I intend to have a happy, productive day today. My goal is to get my to-do list done and make it to the gym after work.”
Articles you might find helpful:
How to Stay Motivated to Workout
How to be More Productive After Work
The key to a healthy life is having a healthy mind.
Richard Davidson
5. Listen to something positive and motivational first thing
Positive affirmations or positive, motivational audio books, podcasts etc. are great ways to start your day with something positive that is going to get you in the a positive mindset, first thing.
6. Take a look at your schedule and plan your day.
If you wake up and don’t really know what you are going to do with your day you could be setting yourself up for a more stressful, mentally-draining day.
With a well thought-out plan and schedule for the day you are setting yourself up for success.
Try time blocking and actually scheduling out time for the stuff you have to get done in the day. I just use the calendar on my macbook and schedule out what I’m doing each day. It has made such a huge difference!
I am the queen of writing to-do lists and lists in general, and then never actually completing them because I just threw on a bunch of things that need to get done and realistically can’t get them all done in one day, especially without an actual plan.
This just leads to disappointment, overwhelm, stress and the feeling of failure. For a healthier mindset you need to develop the habit of creating a plan.
7. Become more self-aware of your thoughts.
Are you snoozing your alarm and thinking about how much you dread your job?
These thoughts are not helpful when trying to achieve a healthy mindset.
Try reframing your thoughts and perspective. Instead of, “I hate my job, I can’t believe I have to go back there.” Reframe your thoughts to “This isn’t my forever job and it serves me currently so I can pay my bills so I can continue to improve my situation.”
You might hate your job and feel stuck, believe me I know the feeling but dwelling on it will just make you feel worse and make you more stuck in the cycle.

Your mindset literally has the power to make or break you. The habits you have can either hinder or help your progress towards being happy, healthy, achieving your goals. Are some of your habits sabotaging your goals or happiness?
I hope these 7 daily habits for a healthy mindset inspired you to take a look at your daily habits and helped you find new, healthier habits to uplevel your life and create a healthy mindset.
Commonly Asked Questions About Mindset:
What is a healthy mindset?
In short, having a healthy mindset means you control your thoughts, you don’t allow your thoughts to control you. Someone with a healthy mindset is able to grow and learn from their thoughts, even the negative ones. Having a positive, growth mindset is having a healthy mindset.
Why is having a healthy mindset important?
Having a healthy mindset is so important to your overall well-being, mental health and lifestyle in general. When you have a healthy mindset you are more able to cope with the stresses of life and more able to take good care of yourself.
Why is mindset important in achieving success?
If you want to be successful you have to have a healthy mindset. When you have a negative, fixed mindset you’re unlikely to take action, follow through and learn from mistakes made. If someone wants to be successful in anything in life they must have the right mindset to achieve their goals.
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