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I’m sure you’ve all heard the news by now but in case you haven’t …traditional, commercial deodorant is bad for you. Why is it bad? It’s filled with SO many chemicals that are harmful to our health. Research has linked deodorant to increased numbers of cases of breast cancer, Alzheimer’s and who know what else. This is why I’ve opted to make this diy natural, zero waste deodorant…which has been working great so far!

Balance is Key
Personally, I have an approach to living a healthy lifestyle that incorporates balance. None of this 100% in or out bs. With that said, yes I consume some things that are probably not the best for my health (hello occasional pizza and white wine) BUT, I like to cut any harmful, unnecessary toxins anywhere I can. (It’s called balance, right?) This DIY natural, zero waste deodorant has helped me cut out some unnecessary toxins from my life.
Let’s do this…
Just a slight word of caution before we begin. Baking soda can be irritating to some skin types (due to the reaction between our acidic skin and the basic baking soda). If you think you might react to the baking soda you can substitute more arrowroot or cornstarch in place of the baking soda. Personally, I like the baking soda version but you should choose the best option for yourself.
- 2 tablespoons Coconut oil
- 3 tablespoons Shea butter
- 1 tablespoons beeswax
- 2 tbsp arrowroot powder
- 2 tbsp baking soda (optional, can be harsh on some skin, instead you can use more arrowroot or cornstarch)
- 20 drops essential oil of your choice (more or less depending on the level of scent you need)
- tea tree oil (has antibacterial properties but some people, like me, can’t stand the smell)
- For this diy natural deodorant I’ve used Lavender, sandalwood, and orange essential oils (not together, but you can create a blend you enjoy) and they all smell super great.
- Silicone mold (for no plastic waste bar OR you can use a sanitized deodorant container (there are lots of different options on amazon for empty deodorant containers)
- Pot with water in bottom
- Glass/heat proof container to melt mixture together (I use a pyrex, glass measuring container)
- silicone mixing spoon
- oven mitt ( the container and mixture will be HOT, don’t burn yourself!)
- Set your stove to medium heat and place your pot with water in the bottom on the heat (I just use a pyrex measuring glass to melt my mixture into)
- Add the beeswax, coconut oil and shea butter and completely melt
- Remove from the heat
- Immediately add in your baking soda and arrowroot powder. Make sure you stir well so there’s no clumps. I do recommend using a sieve if you have one to make sure the powders are smooth.
- Add the essential oils of your choice (15-20 drops)
- Stir well for 1 min. Once everything is combined you are ready to pour into your mold or container!
- Make sure you let the deodorant set and cool completely (approx 2 hours)
- Enjoy your very own natural zero waste deodorant! Doesn’t it feel so great to make your own products?
Tip: I like to store mine in the fridge, it keeps a way better consistency and it may melt easily due to the coconut oil.
Side note: natural deodorant doesn’t block your sweat glands like other products do. This is good news for your health but be warned you can’t expect the exact same results as a commercial antiperspirant. I do find the arrowroot and baking soda work well for moisture, but if you’re a super sweaty person it may not be what you’re looking for.

[…] is key! One way I’ve started to eliminate some toxins from my life is by making diy natural, zero waste deodorant, which you can check out if you’re […]