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Valentine’s Day can suck if you’re single.
The whole day can feel like one big reminder of, “Hey! You’re single! Look at all the happy couples.” It doesn’t have to though! Spend some time taking care of yourself, and showing you some love!
Valentine’s Day isn’t even about love and gifts and flowers anyways, you can read the history of the origin of the real Valentine’s Day here.
Brighten your day with a funny movie, and these funny quotes.
Keep reading for some funny quotes for singles on Valentine’s Day.
“If love is the answer, can you please rephrase the question?” -Lily Tomlin
“Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell.” – Joan Crawford
“Valentine’s Day is for couples. Us singles have the other 364 days of the year to enjoy ourselves!” — Unknown
“Happy phony, romanticized, overly commercial, sucks to be single, pretend that it’s love, day!” – Unknown

“I’m single because I was born that way.” – Mae West
“I love being single. I can come and go as I please and stay out as late as I want to.” – Eric Dickerson
“I think, therefore I’m single.” – Liz Winston
“I plan on celebrating Valentine’s Day doing whatever the hell I want because I’m single” -Unknown

“Be with someone who makes you happy.” — Unknown
“I don’t need Prince Charming to have my own happy ending.” -Katy Perry
“I’m single because I don’t need anybody to ruin my life. I’m ruining it perfectly on my own.” -Unknown
“Today may be Single’s Awareness Day, but chin up. Tomorrow is half-price candy day!”

“Let’s celebrate not having to celebrate Valentine’s Day.”
“Without Valentine’s Day, February would be…well, January” -Jim Gaffigan
“Valentine’s Day?…Ain’t nobody got time for that”
“Best part of being single on Valentine’s day, is not having to shave my legs.”
“Do I have a date for Valentine’s Day? Yes, its February 14th.”
Final Thoughts
Solo Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to suck, spend some time with yourself, practice some self-care and treat yourself!
Also, a little humour never hurts! I hope you enjoyed these funny quotes for singles on Valentine’s Day. Please share any funny quotes you have, or suggestions for spending Valentine’s Day single.
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