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Personal growth is a lifelong process. You should set personal growth goals for each area of your life. Mind, body, soul, relationships, etc.
First, you’ll need to get clear on your vision. What do you really want for yourself and your life. Next, create specific goals that will help you achieve this vision. Figure out which areas you need to work on first.

These are the best goals for personal growth, that will change your life for the better!
1. Make your health and fitness a priority
Taking care of yourself should always be your number one priority. Take care of your health and physical body. You can’t feel your best or be the best version of yourself if you don’t feel physically healthy and well.
Take time to exercise, eat healthier, drink more water and take care of your body. It is, afterall, where you spend all of your time and experience life through it.
2. Pursue your passions and find your “purpose”
Find out what you’re passionate about, or pursue your passions. Don’t limit yourself.
For the longest time I thought my career choice HAD to be my purpose, but realistically it’s just not.
Don’t be afraid to try new things, develop new skills and find purpose in your life. It doesn’t have to be some grand purpose or world changing passion. Just figure out what makes you feel alive and passionate and do it!
3. Keep learning and developing new skills
Set a goal to learn something new. Learning about new things can help you find your passions in life.
Don’t limit yourself to what you think you are capable of. You can always learn how to do something, no matter how “impossible” it seems.
Take an online course for something you think you’d enjoy. You could also sign up for different classes or groups to learn new things as well.
4. Mindset
Personal growth and development is closely linked to positive thinking and having a growth mindset.
It doesn’t mean pushing down any negative emotions and putting on a happy face. Having a growth mindset means you can feel through your emotions and have the mindset that you can and will learn from these experiences and grow as a person.
5. Relationships
Relationships can be easy to put on the back burner and forget about actively working on, especially when you have a million other things to think about.
Don’t forget to put work into your important relationships! Spend quality time with your partner and work on effective communication. Call your parents, grandparents, friends etc. Keep in touch and don’t let the busyness of life take a toll on your relationships.

6. Learn to let go
This one can be so hard! Letting go of the things, people, thoughts that don’t serve you, will change your life. You are not obligated to hold on to things that don’t serve you well, or are unhealthy for you.
Let go of expectations, worries, and anything else that you can’t control. What will be, will be in the end and trying to control everything isn’t going to change the eventual outcome. Learn to let go, and go with the flow.
7. Be more compassionate
Try being more compassionate to others and yourself. Realizing that everyone is struggling with something and learning not to take other people’s actions or words so personally has been a huge help in my own personal growth journey.
Most importantly, learn to be compassionate with yourself and forgive yourself for mistakes you make along the way. It’s okay to make mistakes, this is how you grow and learn to do better.
8. Creativity
Embrace your creative side. A lot of people live their lives just walking through daily tasks on autopilot. Being creative is essential to personal development. It boosts your confidence, creates more open minded, unique thinking and allows you to express yourself.
Don’t be afraid to be different and explore your creativity!
9. Reflect and decompress
Instead of letting every stress of the day fester and grow, take some time to sit down, take a breath and reflect on the day. Journaling is a great way to do this! Do a “braindump” and just let everything on your mind flow out.
When you sit back and reflect, it can be easier to see certain situations differently.
After a particularly hard day at your job, try deep breathing and listening to calming 432HZ music to calm and clear your mind on the way home from work. This has been a game changer for not allowing the stress of work to seep into my personal life.
Just let it go, and be present.

10. Be self-aware
Become more aware of how you present yourself to the world. Your body language, how you communicate with others etc, reflects your self-esteem and confidence. Sometimes you’re doing things you don’t even realize, that are sending a certain message to the people around you.
Try to observe your body language and be more aware of how you come across to others.
11. Learn to manage stress
Learning to manage stress effectively is an essential goal everyone should have!
Stress can do a lot of damage to the human mind and body. Most people in our current world are living in a constant state of stress. The body and mind are not meant to be in the constant stressed, survival mode.
Learning to use deep breathing, meditation, exercise, journaling etc. to learn how to get yourself out of high stress states is important not only for your mind, but your body too.
12. Mindfulness
Becoming more mindful and learning how to be present in each moment is essential to your personal growth journey!
If you’re constantly worried, or thinking about the past, the future, what you’re going to do next, you are missing out on your life. Time is the current moment you are in right now, and you can never get that time back. Learn to be present and mindful of what you are doing at each present moment.
13. Learn how to get along with others
This includes people you don’t agree with and people that irritate you.
Although someone might grind your gears, try to step back, have some compassion and find ways you can accept them for who they are to get along with them better.
Become less reactive to others, you can’t control their behaviour, what they think, etc. but you CAN control how you react to them or let them affect you.

14. Financial Goals
Take responsibility and take action. Where can you save money and cut spending?
What other ways can you make money aside from your “9-5” job.
This is something that really held be back in the past. I thought I could only ever earn X amount of money for X amount of hours worked and that was it.
Learning that there are different ways to make money and to achieve financial goals has helped me enormously.
Create different income streams:
This ties in to developing your creativity. What do you enjoy? Do you like making something specific? Or do you have a skill you could use?
The internet has made it easier than ever before to create different streams of income. You don’t have to feel stuck earning a set amount of income.
Yes, it’s a lot of hard work, and no it’s not some “get rich quick” scheme. If you’re willing to put in hard work and dedicate your time to working on building something up it is more than possible. Patience, persistence and willingness to learn and make mistake along the way are essential.
Examples of income streams you can build:
- Create and sell digital products (NOTE: You don’t have to be “techy” to do this, I started this blog and made digital products with NO tech skills at all)
- Start a blog
- Make and sell candles or soap, or other handmade crafts/goods
- Sell plants
Final Thoughts
There you have it! 14 life changing, personal growth goals you can set to improve your life. Start growing and improving your life, one step at a time.
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