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Why is it so hard to be productive after work?
Being productive in general can be difficult sometimes, especially after working all day! But, why is it so hard? You could have some habits that are sabotaging your productivity.
Habits like multitasking, spending too much time on social media etc. are the enemy of productivity. You might think you’re getting ahead doing multiple things at once, but often you’re not really getting anything done.
Take some time to decompress after work, although it’s tempting to go straight to social media to “relax”, but social media is just another thing draining your energy.
Read these After-Work Habits that Kill Productivity and see if there’s any you’re guilty of.
For some ideas on how to be more productive, Forbes has this article on 9 Habits Of Productive People.

This post will give you 8 effective tips on how to be more productive after work.
1. Recharge after work
Take some time to decompress and recharge after work.
Do something like going for a brisk walk, drink some water and make sure you’re hydrated.
Have a snack that gives you some healthy energy. I know it can be hard to avoid that midday sugar craving, eat some fruit instead.
Set yourself a timer to keep you on track to move on to the next productive task you want to do.
2. Make commitments
Make a commitment to go for a walk with a friend or book a fitness class. Making a commitment to do something productive after work means you’re less likely to blow it off.
3. Set realistic goals
Start with small goals you know you’ll be able to stick to and add on bigger goals as your progress.
Add a productive task to your to-do list and when you’ve consistently completed that task, add another.
4. Remove distractions and temptations
If there’s something you know will suck up your time or stop you in your tracks, don’t do it!
For me, I have the gotten into the deadly habit of sitting on the couch right after work and scrolling on my phone.
Realistically, this is not a productive relaxation habit and I end up becoming even more unmotivated and unproductive.
Decompress after work with a little relaxation, but try to make it something that will boost your motivation like stretching or going for a walk.

5. Mix up your routine
We live our lives 95% on auto-pilot. Our brains are just working out of habit. We get up the same way, drive to work the same route, do the same job in the same way, etc. (you get the idea)
Mixing up your routine can snap you out of the habits you’re so used to and make it easier to make some changes.
If you want to make real changes to your life, and be more productive after work you should create some new routines or at least mix up how you do things.
Try this simple, productive after work routine:
-Get home after work
-Put on motivational podcast or audio book
-Eat a healthy pre-workout snack and water
-Get ready for the gym/workout
-Stretch and light warm-up
-Workout 45-60 mins
-Shower + Comfy clothes
-Eat dinner
-Prepare for the next day (pack lunch, get clothes ready etc.)
-Do a quick tidy up of house
-Nighttime routine
-Get in bed and read or journal
6. Make a Schedule
And actually stick to it…set alarms or timers if you have to. (I am the worst at making a schedule and then not following it, so I set reminders/timers to help me stick to the plan)
It might feel uncomfortable at first but in order to make any real change, you need to change the habits you’re used to.
Make a schedule and give yourself time to adjust and get into making it a new habit.
7. Accountability
Find something that you can do with a friend or group to keep yourself accountable. It’s easy to blow things off if you’re only accountable to yourself.
You might want to be more productive after work by getting some exercise in or learning something new. Sign up for a course or class. Join an instructed fitness class or even join a running group.
You could also ask a friend to be your walking buddy to keep you accountable for going for a walk each evening.
8. Motivation=Move
I include this one because it’s the number 1 thing that helps me actually be productive. When you feel a slight bit of motivation to do something, just do it!
If you feel slightly motivated in that moment and think “Just 10 more minutes and I’ll get up and do that.” You’re likely to lose that motivation and get distracted.
As soon as I feel a glimmer of motivation or like I need to do something, I force myself to just start moving through the motions and it becomes so much easier. It’s soo much easier to get things done and keep momentum once you start.
Final Thoughts
I hope you found some of these tips helpful on how to be more productive after work.
Leave a comment and share what tips you found most helpful to boost your productivity after work, OR leave any suggestions you have!
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