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How to Start Living Your Best Life:
Creating a life you love isn’t something that just happens overnight. It’s the result of making small changes in your life and thinking about what makes you happy. In this post, we’ll walk through seven steps to help you create a more positive mindset so that you can start living your best life!

Step 1: Create a vision board, Dream Big!
The first step to creating a life you love is to know what it looks like. Vision boards are a great way to visualize your goals and dreams, so let’s get started!
- What is a vision board? A vision board is an inspirational collage of images that represent your goals and desires. This can be anything from pictures of houses or cars, money symbols, family members or friends–anything that makes you feel good when you see it!
- How do I create one? First decide what aspect of your life (work/career/relationships) needs improvement or growth in order for you to reach your ultimate goal.

- Then choose 5-10 images that represent those aspects in some way: whether they’re literal representations (like photos from trips), metaphorical ones (motivational quotes), symbolic images (e.g., sunrises) or even just colors associated with those areas (e.g., pink for happiness etc.). Once those are chosen, arrange them into rows on poster board according to priority order: first things first!
- When you’re finished creating your masterpiece hang it somewhere where you’ll see it often!
- You can also make a vision board for kids, if you want to make it a positive family activity. (FREE kids vision board printable here)
Step 2: Bookmark your favorite inspirational quotes!
The second step in creating a life you love is to bookmark your favorite inspirational quotes. You can do this by opening up a browser and searching for “inspirational quotes.”
Once you find some that resonate with you, add them to your bookmarks or pin them on Pinterest. Here are some inspirational quotes about life you might find helpful!
This will help remind yourself of the things that are important in life and keep your mind focused on what’s truly important. It also helps keep a positive mindset throughout the day when we’re feeling stressed out or overwhelmed by our responsibilities at work or home.

Step 3: Write down your life goals.
- Write down your goals, don’t play small…what do you REALLY want for yourself?
- Use a cute journal, on a piece of paper, on a computer and/or whiteboard. You can use pen or pencil if you like, but there’s something about writing things down that makes them more real and more likely to happen!
Step 4: Practice gratitude.
Gratitude is a powerful tool that can change your life. Gratitude is a habit, and it’s something you can develop. It’s not hard to do, but it does take some time and practice. The more grateful you become for what you have, the happier you will be overall.
Here are some ways to practice gratitude:
- Keep a gratitude journal where you write down everything good that happens in your day (or week). It doesn’t have to be long or detailed–just write down one thing at a time as it comes up throughout the day/week. Use this as an opportunity to appreciate all of the little things we often take for granted in our lives!
- Make sure every morning that your first thought is positive rather than negative; think about all of those things in which there is room for improvement later on during the day instead of focusing on negatives right away

Step 5. Start each day with a positive thought.
- Start each day with a positive thought.
- Set an alarm to go off at the same time every morning, and then set your phone to silent mode so that it doesn’t distract you from your thoughts.
- Think of something positive to say to yourself when the alarm goes off–something like “Today is going to be great!” or “I am going to have an amazing day!”
- Think of something that makes you grateful for yourself and others (e.g., my family makes me feel loved). This could also be an activity or experience that makes you happy (e.g., going out for ice cream). It could even just be saying thank you for being alive! Whatever works best for your personal situation will work here!
Step 6. Surround yourself with positive people and let go of negativity.
Now that you’ve cleared out the clutter and made room for more positive energy in your life, it’s time to make sure that you’re surrounded by people who support and encourage you.
Letting go of negative people is a crucial step toward living the life you want. If someone doesn’t support your goals or dreams, then they don’t belong in your life. You can be polite about it–but if they aren’t willing to support what makes YOU happy, then they need to go!
Positive influences come in many different forms: friends who understand where you’re coming from; family members who encourage growth; mentors who give sound advice; teachers/coaches/mentors who show us new ways of thinking about things.

Step 7. Set up reminders for positive affirmations, meditation and self-care posts on your newsfeed or phone home screen so they’re always there when you need them most!
You can set reminders to help you remember to use positive affirmations, meditate and practice self-care.
- Go to your newsfeed or home screen on your phone and tap “Edit”.
- Select the post you want to set a reminder for by tapping on it.
- Tap “Add Reminder” at the bottom right corner of the screen, then choose when you want it to happen: tomorrow morning at 8 am? Next Thursday at 3 pm? Whenever is most convenient for you!
Positive thinking is key to creating a fulfilling life
In order to create a fulfilling life and start living your best life, you must have a positive mindset. This means that you think positively and believe in yourself. When you have a positive outlook on life, it leads to positive actions, which in turn lead to positive results.
- Positive thinking is key to creating a fulfilling life
- Positive thinking leads to positive actions
- Positive thinking leads to positive results
- Positive thinking leads to positive outcomes
“The most important thing is not how long your life is but how full it is.”
Dalai Lama
We hope these steps have helped you create a life you love and start living your best life! Remember that there are no limitations to what you can achieve, so keep pushing yourself towards your goals and reaching for the stars!
Believe me if I can do it, you can too!
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