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“What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.”
There’s a reason why most successful people, motivational speakers and self-development gurus preach the importance of positive thinking. Although, at first it can feel incredibly awkward to hype yourself up with a bunch of positive affirmations, but once you get over the awkward factor, the benefits can be immediate. I think a lot of us ignore how important self-talk really is. All you need to get started on your journey is to start by saying some powerful positive affirmations. If you want to achieve your dream life, whether you believe in manifestation or not, success really is all in your mindset.

If you want to feel better, feel motivated and start your journey to self-love and success start implementing positive affirmations into your daily routine. In a world that makes us feel like we have no control, YOU are in control over your mind. Keep reading for 60 powerful positive affirmations to kick start your self-love journey.

For Self-Confidence
- I can do whatever I set my mind to, with or without others.
- Every small step I take is a move closer to my goals
- I believe in myself
- I am unique, I am valuable and I am confident.
- I can make my dream life, my reality
- I am evolving every day
- I am becoming more confident every day
- I am enough
- I am beautiful
- I am strong
- I am capable
- I am doing my best

Positive Affirmations to Start the Day
- I am choosing to be grateful and happy for this new day
- I am living my best life
- I am prepared for anything that comes my way
- I never give up on my dreams
- I am positive and optimistic
- I am strong and energized
- I am living according to my values and not simply what is expected

Try these powerful affirmations for letting things go.
Release and Letting Go Affirmations
- I let go of all negativity
- I let go of all self-doubt
- I release toxic relationships
- I accept that I can’t control others actions
- I let go of my limiting beliefs
- I release emotions that do not serve me
- I let go of all of my toxic thoughts and emotions
- I release everything that no longer serves me
- I let go of others expectations of me
- I am free, at peace and ready to accomplish anything I desire
Affirmations for success
- I believe in myself
- I am capable
- I am successful
- I can do anything I set my mind to
- I am the architect of my life
- I am in control over my success
- I love and accept myself as I am
- I am constantly growing and learning
- I am resilient
- I can overcome any challenges that come my way
- I deserve to live my dream life
Positive Affirmations for Anxiety Relief
- I am choosing calm
- I am calm and relaxed
- I am at peace
- I am a positive, optimistic person
- I am in control over my mind, thoughts and feelings
- I am not defined by my past
- I am improving myself each day
- I do not live in reaction to others
- I am safe
- I am happy
- I am grateful for all that life has to offer
- I am unaffected by the opinions of others
Positive Affirmations for Abundance
- I have the power to create change
- I am blessed
- I am successful
- I am attracting abundance into my life in all areas
- I deserve the best
- I am creating the life of my dreams
- I am abundant
- I am generous
- All that I give comes back to me multiplied
“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start now and make a brand new ending.”
– Marcus Aurelius
Give it a try, there’s nothing to lose. These are just 60 powerful positive affirmations to kick start your self-love journey. You can customize and make your own affirmations to suit your personal needs and desires. Manifesting your dream life is simple once you gain control over your thoughts and feelings. Stay tuned for more self-development and positive affirmation tips!
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