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Most of us have heard of the phrases, “Raise your vibration.” or “Good vibes only.” But what does this actually mean? How can we literally raise our vibrations to start creating our best, happiest lives? Today we will cover 10 quick ways to raise your vibration, so you can attract exactly what you want in your life.

What is your “vibration”?
The idea is that all matter in the universe is in a constant state of movement or vibration. When you look at atoms, cells etc., under a microscope you can see that they are constantly vibrating.
Have you ever seen the experiment with “Chladni’s Plates”? To describe it very simply, Chladni is a German scientist who researched the vibration of sounds and how they create different patterns depending on the frequency of the sounds. In Chladni’s experiments he showed how certain frequencies displayed specific patterns by vibrating salt on a plate. Some sounds create beautiful harmonious patterns while other frequencies, create a more inharmonious pattern. If you’re interested in learning more about this concept and the research behind it check out this article on Chladni’s findings.
Mind/Body Connection and Vibration
With that said, there is a lot of research going into the mind/body connection. If sound vibrations can have such a measurable, visible impact on matter (like with the salt experiments) why can’t our emotions too? Our physical bodies are matter, aren’t they?
The concept of “vibrational energy” is that our human emotions emit a frequency that affects the matter around us, like your body and reality.
Basically, your emotional state determines the frequency of your vibe. Negative emotions are low-vibe and positive emotions are high-vibe.
Think about a time you walked into a room and you could literally feel a “bad vibe” or a person who just gives you good vibes as soon as you meet them.

In order to raise your vibration you have to be aware of the vibes your giving off and become aware of your emotional state. Once you are aware you are giving off negative vibes you can start the shift to being a high vibe person.
Let’s get to the good stuff on how to actually raise your vibration, fast.
These are some quick ways you can raise your vibration:
Make sure you are always staying hydrated! Dehydration is bad for both your physical and mental well-being. Staying adequately hydrated will ensure you have a clear, focused mind so you can focus on those positive vibes.
Take some deep breaths and become present in the moment you are in. Anxieties about the past or the future keep us from becoming our best, happiest self. The only moment you really need to focus on is now and grounding exercises can help you come back into the present.
Grounding exercises include:
- deep breathing
- hold a piece of ice and focus on the cold sensation
- counting your breaths
There are many different options to choose from.
Try guided meditations and/or visualizing things that make you feel good. Thinking about the things that make you feel joy will instantly raise your vibes.
You can easily practice gratitude during the day by either journaling about all the things you are blessed to have or even just making a mental note of 3 things you are grateful for today. Recognizing all the positive things you have to be grateful for will boost your energy and attract more positivity into your life.
Appreciate and reconnect with nature whenever you can. Breathe in the fresh air, feel the grass, take time to admire the flowers etc. Nature is such a blessing we often take for granted.
There are many benefits of epsom salt baths, including removing negative energy and releasing stress. In Feng Shui they believe it to be a cure for negative energy and a personal purification process.
Even if you don’t believe an epsom salt bath can help raise your vibes alone, the practice of relaxing in a warm bath will relax your muscles and reduce stress which will definitely raise your positive vibes!
Another quick way to raise your vibration is clearing physical and visual clutter, which causes the feeling of being out of control and disorganization. Clear your space and feel the weight lift off your shoulders. Having a clear, orderly space will boost your energy and bring you more positive vibes.
Put on some meditation music or music that makes you feel good. I love listening to 432Hz playlists, they boost my mood and help me feel calm.
Listen to positive affirmations for an instant boost in positive vibrations. What you feed your mind, will only grow so make sure you are giving your mind positive messages. Positive affirmations and subliminals are the perfect way to achieve this.
Surround yourself with positive, happy people and things that make you feel happy and optimistic.
Signs you are in a high vibration:
- You are more in control of your emotions
- More self-aware
- You can recognize and observe your feelings
- Increased motivation and optimism towards reaching your goals
- More empathy
- Increased gratitude for what you have
- You are noticing synchronicities (constantly seeing the same number, signs, things just “falling into place”
- Overall feeling of being connected to something greater
- Living in the present
Once you’ve started to implement the quick ways to raise your vibration successfully, pay attention to all the wonderful changes that start to happen in your life!
Final Thoughts
There you have it, 10 ways to quickly raise your vibrations so you can attract the life you want to live. Your dream life is available to you!
Recommended Reading
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