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This post will be all about the law of attraction books you need to read if you want to make big changes in your life. Before I learned about the Law of Attraction I didn’t really believe you could change your life. I was depressed, unmotivated and felt like I would be stuck like that forever.
It felt like life was happening to me and there was nothing I could do to change it.
When I found out about the concept on the law of attraction like a lot of other people, I was super skeptical. It was when it became a more “mainstream” idea in the media through the book and movie “The Secret”.
At first I thought it was a bunch of BS to be honest. I was stuck in my negative mindset and I didn’t think there was anything that could change the way things were going, or how I was feeling.
To be honest I never really got into The Secret. It served as an introduction to the concept on the law of attraction and the power of the mind. However, when I got to my lowest point I started looking deep into the laws of the universe and more spiritual topics. Here is a list of the law of attraction books that took my understanding and intentional manifesting to another level.

These are the law of attraction books that will change your life:
1. The Complete Works of Florence Scovel Shinn
Florence Scovel Shinn published a few books which you can purchase as a collection of her works in one
The Game of Life and How to Play It Your Word is Your Wand The Secret Door to Success The Power of the Spoken Word I love Florence’s insight on manifestation and her positive outlook on our power over reality. She was born in the late 1800s so naturally her writing, use of references and language is different. The message is all the same and as someone who loves the Victorian Era and history I find her words calming and inspiring! I also love listening to recordings of her books, which you can easily find on Youtube. I find her words so inspiring and motivational and they put a different spin on the law of attraction books that the modern law of attraction books sometimes lack. ‘I am the Master of my Fate, I am the Captain of my Soul.’ While this book is not specifically a law of attraction book it does help connect the science and psychology of the mind to why the law of attraction works and this is why I love it! In addition to Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself , I also LOVED Dr. Joe Dispenza’s other work Becoming Supernatural and You Are The Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter. Like I always try to emphasize, the law of attraction is NOT magic. It’s the way we perceive reality and how our mind and consciousness works. The human mind is such a crazy, powerful thing and the way Dr. Joe Dispenza explains neuroplasticity and the power of the mind really puts a different spin on life and what is possible for us! He dives deep into how we are creatures of habit and how we can break these habits and truly become who we want to be. How we learn and internalize our environment and then create our habits and personality based on these experiences isn’t concrete! You can change your life and your brain. Dr. Joe Dispenza’s books helped me figure out how to actually do this and ultimately create a life I love and you can too! If you are into the Law of Attraction or have looked into anything manifestation it’s likely you’ve heard about Neville Goddard. Neville, like Florence is a manifestation teacher from a different era. So some of his works can be more difficult to decipher. Like the title suggests, feeling really is the secret to creating what you want. Your consciousness and brain doesn’t know the difference between imagined feelings and “real” feelings. Let me ask you, If you can have a worry about the past or future, why can’t you also create feelings of happiness, your goals achieved etc? The answer is YOU CAN. You can choose what you feel and think. It can seem impossible at the start, but once you truly wrap your head around it and figure out how to control your thoughts and feelings you can master this! Neville also has many different books aside from Feeling is The Secret and they all hold amazing information and insights. (I haven’t read all of his work but I have read quotes, summaries and other people’s experiences with his other books). He also has a complete works collection that you can purchase Nothing comes from without; all things come from within – from the subconscious. “One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat.” -Napoleon Hill Create the reality you want: Thoughts → Desire → Action I personally love Wayne Dyer and his perspective on things. “The law of attraction is this: You don’t attract what you want. You attract what you are.” I find this quote from him SO inspiring. Yes, you can want $1,000,000 dollars, your soulmate, a fulfilling career but you don’t attract what you want, you attract what you ARE. It can be SO hard to look at your life and reflect, looking at all the parts you hate. Are you being confident, are you being the person who has that million dollars? CHALLENGE: Create in your head (or write it on paper) what you want and who the person who has it is? A realistic representation of what it means to live that reality. E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality by Pam Grout is a great law of attraction book for anyone feeling a little skeptical. The book contains 9 different experiments you can do with yourself to find proof that the law of attraction is real and working in your life. I really liked this book because I had a super weird, but amazing experience with one of the experiments specifically. (The volkswagen Jetta one if you are familiar) It is definitely worth a read and super fun to get actual “proof”. There you have it! 6 of the law of attraction books that changed my life and can change yours too! If you are on a manifesting or personal growth journey I highly recommend you check out these books. If sitting down and reading isn’t your thing you can listen to them in audiobook format or even watch youtube videos that explain the key takeaways from the books! Journal Prompts for Manifestation Physical Signs Your Manifestation is Coming Florence Scovel Shinn books include:
2. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself-Dr. Joe Dispenza
3. Feeling is the Secret by Neville Goddard
4. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
These are the 5 key takeaways from this book:
5. The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer
6. E-Squared by Pam Grout
Final Thoughts
Recommended Reading
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