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It’s easy to fall into a negative mindset when life gets tough. I know this because I’ve been there and done that many times over. But let me tell you from my own experience, it IS possible to create a positive mindset in a difficult situation. It took me a LONG time to get there, and it’s still a struggle some days but it true that your mindset is what makes your reality. Today I want to share 9 truths to transform your life for good!
When my business hit a rough patch a few years back and people were telling me not to quit my day job and how hopeless things seemed, I decided to focus on the positive instead of the negative. It worked! Now my business is thriving more than ever…and so am I!

1. Your attitude creates your reality.
Your attitude creates your reality. This is true for so many aspects of our lives, but it’s especially important when it comes to money and career. We can’t control what happens to us, but we can control how we react to those things in order to create the life that we want.
The first step is having a positive mindset, which means being grateful for all the good things you already have in place and looking forward to new opportunities with excitement instead of fear or worry.
It also means being patient while working toward those goals, because no matter how much those “Guru’s” want to convince you.. no one ever got rich overnight—it takes hard work, patience and discipline!
If you’re feeling stuck right now with here is an action plan to get out of a rut fast.
2. You don’t have to always be happy.
I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand it when someone tells me to just “be happy”. What is that?! Sunshine doesn’t shine out my ass on the best of days, nevermind my worst.
How many times have you been told to be happy with your life? More than likely, a lot more than once.
We are taught from an early age that being happy means living our lives like nothing ever goes wrong. Even when everything goes right, sometimes we don’t feel right or happy and that is OK.
It makes me so sad to think about as I have had my own internal battles, but with news of the suicide of “tWitch” the beloved dancer and DJ from the Ellen Show, recently has made me truly reflect on how everyone is going through a battle no one else sees.
It’s like this cloud looming over our heads saying that we are supposed to be successful and wealthy and have perfect relationships with everyone we meet, right? WRONG! This is total BULLSHIT! It’s impossible for anyone in this world to live up to these expectations of perfection (no matter how hard they try) because there will always be something that goes wrong or doesn’t fit the expected flow of things.
3. Not everyone is going to like you or understand you.
You can’t please everyone. Sometimes even your best intentions will be misinterpreted by people.
You will be judged and you will be criticized.
And you may get hurt by people who don’t understand your purpose or your mission in life.
Don’t let that stop you from being yourself and doing what is right for YOU!
This has been such a long, difficult road for me. I honestly used to think that it was simply IMPOSSIBLE not to care what other people thought of me.
If this is something you also struggle with you’ll probably enjoy these quotes to stop caring what other people think!
The Key: If you’re looking for truths to transform your life…stop giving other people power over your life and happiness.
4. Acknowledge, but don’t react to everything.
It’s okay to acknowledge, but you don’t need to react to everything. This is a lesson that was difficult for me to learn at first.
When you acknowledge something, it means that you are acknowledging the truth of the situation.
An acknowledgement can be anything from a simple observation of your feelings or thoughts.
Other people might also try to get a reaction out of you. You are not obligated to react to someone else’s thoughts, actions or feelings.
Recognizing what’s going on inside yourself right now will help guide you towards making better decisions about how to act next.
Reaction is when things get dangerous because it involves reacting without first taking time to really check in with yourself and figure out what’s happening inside first.
A reaction can lead us down paths that aren’t good for us because they were based on false assumptions or snap judgments instead of facts and insights into ourselves. When we react from an emotional place instead of just being aware of ourselves then we tend toward anger, blame and frustration among other things which doesn’t usually lead anywhere good for anyone involved.

5. There is a greater plan for you.
If there is ONE thing that will transform your life, it’s believing in and trusting God’s plan (or the Universe, whatever YOU believe in). Whatever power that you believe in has a greater plan for you.
The truth is that we are all connected to God, higher power or however you want to call it. We are all made of energy and every living thing around us vibrates at a certain frequency.
When you believe in a higher power and trust it, then everything works out better because when something bad happens, instead of focusing on how bad things went wrong—instead focus on why they happened for a good reason!
For example: If I had applied for five jobs but didn’t get any interviews? This could mean I’m supposed to stay at my current job for another year before moving onto something else.
Or maybe this job wasn’t meant for me at all! Maybe it was just practice so now I know where my weaknesses lie for next time around.
6. The right people will come into your life.
The right people will come into your life at the right time.
There is such an enormous pressure on people to have it all “figured out” at a certain age. If you haven’t hit some milestone you feel like you are supposed to by now, don’t worry! You are NOT behind. The right person, job, circumstance will come at the right time.
You’re not going to find the right person by being someone else, or by acting a certain way. You have to be open to them and willing to take chances on people who might be different than you.
It’s important that you don’t let your fears stand in the way of meeting someone new—it could mean missing out on an amazing relationship because they weren’t quite what they seemed at first glance!
7. You have to step outside of your comfort zone.
Whether you’re feeling stuck and need to shake things up, or whether you want to reach a new level of success in your work or personal life, one thing is for sure: taking risks is important.
So how do we decide what risks are worth taking? And how do we take those risks safely?
The truth is that there are many different kinds of risk-taking. The key is to understand where you are on the scale between comfort and discomfort, which can be quite different from person to person.
Truth is if you really want to transform your life you need to take a step out of your comfort zone and be willing to try new things.
8. Expectations are the worst thing to create in any situation/relationship.
Expectations are the worst thing you can create in any situation, relationship or scenario. They will only lead to disappointment, resentment, anger and lack of trust. When you start to expect people or things to take a certain turn, you are already creating an ideal version of what should happen. This is not how it works! You cannot control anyone but yourself!
When we make expectations about someone’s actions or words, then what happens when they don’t live up to those expectations? We get frustrated because we think that person should know better than what they did/said which is usually based on our own perception of them instead of them being who they truly are as individuals without us projecting our thoughts upon them before even getting to know them first hand through their actions or words first hand!
9. Your attitude and how you view things determines how much happiness and joy you find in your life
Your attitude and how you view things determines how much happiness and joy you find in your life. You can change your attitude by changing your perspective, and your perspective is built on the thoughts that are running through your head. Your thoughts are the building blocks of your life, so if you want to change anything about yourself or any area of it, start with changing how you think about what’s happening in front of you!
I hope you enjoyed this article on 9 truths that will transform your life for good! It was a lot of fun for me to write and share my experiences with you all. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below!
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