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I’m sure as you are reading this you have some sort of idea in the back of your head of a far off dream you wish you could achieve. Most of us, sadly, will never achieve our dream life or goals. Good news is…YOU CAN. These are some of the 5 main reasons why most people don’t achieve their dreams(in my opinion) and what you can do to change that reality.

5 main reasons why most people don’t achieve their dreams:
- Lack of self-confidence
- Need/desire for external validation
- Limiting beliefs
- Negativity /Negative Mindset
- Lack of personal development and investment
1. Lack of self confidence
I know for a fact that this is easier said than done. However difficult, it is possible. Develop your self confidence. The reason for your lack of self-confidence doesn’t matter. The only thing that does matter is that you realize YOU are in control of how you feel, about yourself and anything else.
Step 1: Unfollow anyone or anything that makes you feel inferior or bad about yourself.
Step 2: Get rid of anything that doesn’t make you feel good. Clothes, music, etc. If it doesn’t make you feel good about yourself you don’t need to have it. It wasn’t made for you and there is something out there that is better suited.
Step 3: Positive affirmations! Change the way you talk to yourself. Whatever you are feeling down about, doesn’t matter in the bigger picture of things. I believe for every flaw someone has, they can also have a redeeming quality. Yes, it feels cheesy and dumb at the beginning, but I would argue that having a positive outlook on things is more beneficial than having a negative one always.
Remember: “Those who mind, don’t matter and those who matter, don’t mind”
Bernard Baruch
2. Stop caring what other people think
You will never please everyone and you will never have everyone’s approval. Let’s face it, a lot of people suck, most of those people are just stuck in their own negativity and problems. Good news is, this doesn’t need to matter to you. Do what you think is right. Just because everyone else is doing something does not make it the right thing to do. Stop valuing other people’s opinions and beliefs over your own.
Need some inspiration?
Read: 26 Quotes to Stop Caring What Other People Think

3. Limiting beliefs
Anything IS possible. Yes, it might be hard, the process might suck but you can do and achieve what you want. You might need to alter certain aspects but don’t limit yourself. Be creative, be stubborn and do that you want.
4. Screw negativity
Your mindset truly is everything. Even if you are super pessimistic and negative you can turn it around. Think more positively, be a more positive person. Our world and the media has set us up to consume negativity constantly. Shut it off. Do what you need to, little by little and change the way you view things. Check out the 10 Worst Habits For Your Mental Health, and see if there’s any habits that are holding you back from achieving your dreams.
This has been the biggest game changer in my life and journey to living a better life.

5. Invest in yourself
That course or personal trainer or even learning that random skill you might think has no value IS WORTH IT. If you are learning something, bettering yourself in any form, it is worth it. It doesn’t have to make sense to others, if you are drawn to it, just do it. Invest in yourself physically, emotionally, intellectually and any other way you see fit.
People will always have a reason to dislike you, dismiss you or be negative. Don’t take it personally, look towards the positive and be yourself.
Final Thoughts:
What did you think about the 5 reasons why most people don’t achieve their dreams? Leave any suggestions or questions you might have.
Let’s crush our goals and dream big!
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