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We all have heard it before, “Just think positive!” or something along those lines. I don’t know about anyone else but it can be hard as hell to think positive when it seems everything is going wrong. Thankfully, I’ve come to realize that what you focus on, grows and comes back to you. This is why I started saying positive affirmations daily, and the difference it has made is astounding. These are 6 benefits of daily positive affirmations. Saying positive affirmations daily, will change your mindset and create a happier you!

What are Positive Affirmations?
Positive affirmations are statements that you say to yourself, that can help you to overcome self-sabotaging, negative thoughts and behaviours. What you tell yourself repeatedly will take root in your belief system, this is why your self-talk is SO powerful.
You can change these statements to be any positive affirmation that appeals to you in your life and what you need to focus on. Make them super specific to you and say them every day.
“I am successful”
“I am doing my best every day”
“I am hardworking”
“I am confident”
“I can do difficult things”
Benefits of Daily Positive Affirmations:
1. Creates a happier, healthier mindset
What you focus on, grows. If you’re constantly focused on negative things, you won’t feel great and will likely be in a low mood. Finding things to be happy and positive about will help boost your mood and make you a happier person. Create a healthier mindset and you will see the benefits of daily positive affirmations.
Happier Mind =Healthier you.
2. Improved self-confidence
Affirmations can help increase your self-worth and confidence, by improving both your positive opinion of yourself and confidence in your abilities. This can help eliminate feelings of stress, and self-doubt.

3. Increased self-control over emotions
When you have control over your emotions you have so much power! This will help you reflect rather than be reactive to our outside world (which, let’s face it sucks sometimes). Release negative emotions and beliefs and gain control over your thoughts!
4. Recognize the unhelpful thought patterns
Humans run mostly on autopilot, especially when we go through the same routines every single day. Recognizing what might not serve you or be beneficial for your mindset will help you gain awareness. When you know you can grow! Then you can work to actively change those thoughts, to more positive, helpful ones.
5. Affirmations can reset your mind to hold new, beneficial beliefs
Despite the fact that we are often running on autopilot, there’s good news, we can change our habits and reset our subconscious minds to hold better, helpful, healthy beliefs and get rid of the old ones that aren’t working.
What is the subconscious mind anyways?
The subconscious mind is basically the part of the mind that holds all of the data you’ve learned about the world through past experiences, beliefs, memories, habits etc. This is where your emotions come from. It is possible to reset and re-wire this part of your mind to change the way you think, behave and feel. You can pull the weeds (unhelpful thoughts/feelings) and plant new seeds(helpful) to grow what you need to thrive.
Positive affirmations can help change the beliefs stored in your subconscious!
6. Help you concentrate on your goals and actually achieve them
SO many people set goals in the new year and end up failing. It starts off strong, but then self-doubt sets in and then we are telling ourselves “This is too hard” , “I can’t do this”, “I’ll never lose weight”.
Next, we find ourselves falling through on our goals, just to set the same ones and fail again next year. Instead, when you tell yourself “I CAN”, “I AM”, you are convincing yourself you can and will put in the work to achieve your goals.
Try these positive affirmations for confidence and self-esteem to boost your confidence and get you moving towards your goals with ease.
Final Thoughts:
Saying positive affirmations to yourself might make you cringe at first but once you get over the weirdness of talking to yourself, they work SO well and have so many incredible benefits. YOU’VE GOT THIS!

The possibilities are endless!
[…] you constantly talk badly to yourself, you can’t expect to do your best, or feel your best. Use positive affirmations to boost your positive energy and […]