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Do you ever feel like your life is out of control or that life happening to you? Thankfully, it doesn’t have to feel this way. I know for the last few years we have been forced to live very differently, and at times it seemed like we had no control in our lives at all. Now we can take back control of our lives and live intentionally. This post will cover how to take back control of your life fast!

Ways to take back control of your life fast:
1. Get clear and focused
What you want in your life. Seriously sit down and ask yourself (journal) what you want, and what don’t you want in your life. Not what you mom wants, not what you’re expected to do but what makes you feel your best, happiest, most fulfilled self.
The first step in taking control of your life is figuring out what you want for yourself. I can speak from experience here when I say I know how hard it can be when you come from a controlling family to figure out what YOU want, but when you truly think about it, this is your one shot at this life.
Be authentic to you and everything else will fall into place.
2. Set firm boundaries
Set firm boundaries of what you will allow into your life. An essential tip on how to take back control of your life fast is to set boundaries.
I personally think, from my experience, if you aren’t taught boundaries or have your boundaries not respected you end up accepting anything, and not staying true to yourself and what you want.
Stand firm on what you will allow into your life.
3. Take responsibility
Take personal responsibility of your life. Understanding what YOU are in control of your life is sometimes a hard fact to accept.
Yes, people are challenged with all sorts of horrible circumstances that are completely out of their control.
However, we must take responsibility for the things we can take control of, like how we react to others, how we allow other people to treat us, the decisions we made etc.
4. Let it go
Let go of anything you cannot control and start focusing on changing what you can.
Things you CAN’T control:
- the weather
- other people’s opinions, thoughts, actions, beliefs
- the past
- what other people think about you
What you CAN control:
- your mindset
- your thoughts, actions, opinions, beliefs
- how you view yourself
- what/who you allow into your life

5. Create a plan
Figure out how you want to live your life and then make a plan on how you will get there. Make gradual changes to how you live and interact with the world.
What are the easiest things in your life that you can control, start there and work your way up.
Plan how you will intentionally create your life based on how you want to live.
6. Set some concrete goals
Set small goals to get you back in 100% control of your life.
For example, you can create goals to get yourself into a healthier lifestyle so you can look and feel your very best. Set goals to workout X number of times per week and stick to a healthier diet.
7. Stay authentic to YOU
Don’t let anyone or anything hold you back. It might sound cliche but YOU are in control of how you decide to live your life.
Think about what you want in life, what makes you truly happy and fulfilled and go for that.
8. Focus on things that you are in 100% control of.
There’s obviously things in life we can’t control, even though we wish we could. For example, how other people think, the weather, other people’s attitude etc.
However, there are things we are in 100% control of that are helpful to focus on when things seem a little out of control.
For example, you are in 100% control of your mindset, your attitude, what you decide to do with your free time, your style etc.
Don’t let life run you! You are able to make conscious choices on what you want in your life. It can be difficult to push yourself to make the best choices for yourself, but you are the only one looking out for you.
Final thoughts on taking control of your life:
Do what is best for YOU. Some people thrive off of super fast paced, go, go, go lifestyles and others, like me, feel their best when living at a more relaxed, slower pace.
Our modern culture likes to push an “ideal” that if you’re not always doing something you’re missing out, or lazy.
Stop listening to what the outside world tells you that you need, and start listening to yourself!
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