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Do you ever feel insecure or uncomfortable being yourself? Maybe you constantly find yourself comparing to others and feeling like you are lacking something. If you look around and see all these seemingly confident people and wonder, “Why can’t I just be confident like them.”, chances are they have their insecurities and doubts too. We all have doubts however, luckily for me and you confidence isn’t something you just have, it’s something you can develop for yourself. Sure some people are more naturally confident but that doesn’t mean you can’t be too!

Keep reading for the top 10 tips on how to be more confident with yourself.
1. Let go of limiting beliefs
Most people don’t even realize they have limiting beliefs or don’t realize that you literally have the power to choose how you think and feel…especially about yourself. Take your power back and start looking at your life and where you might have some personal beliefs that are holding you back from your true, full potential.
Examples of limiting beliefs:
- I’m too old or too young
- I grew up poor so I’ll never be a wealthy person
- I’m not good enough
- I’m not pretty enough
- There’s never enough
- I’m just unlucky, good things don’t happen to me
- I’m not smart enough
The list goes on…these thoughts only limit you from achieving your full potential.
2. Shift your perspective
How you view yourself and the world is just a perception that you have learned. This has been developed through your life with each interaction, critique, comment and experience. Through each experience we have we internalize those experiences and they affect how we perceive ourselves and the world around us.
If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
dr. wayne dyer
Although difficult, you have the power to learn how to be more confident with yourself and change that perception!
Realize that your perception of yourself is not how the outside world perceives you. Your own thoughts on yourself have been affected throughout your life through learned thoughts, experiences, feelings etc.
Your perception of yourself isn’t how the outside world sees you. Most often people are their harshest critics.
3. No more negative self-talk!
Stop talking negatively to yourself! Between my friends, family, media, etc. I grew up thinking it was normal to berate yourself on a daily basis. “Why am I so stupid at math?” “I look so fat in these jeans” “My face is too chubby”…you get the idea.
I don’t know why we are taught that self-deprecating is okay…but it’s NOT!
Think about how you talk to yourself and reflect…would you speak to your best friend the way you speak to yourself? If you did, would they like you? Probably not!
In my experience, a lot of negative self-talk for women surrounds our appearances. Learning to love your body for what it does for you and not what it looks like is key!
You are not your appearance, your body, or anything physical. Your body is literally a vehicle your soul uses to experience this life. When you realize that you are more than a physical body, the importance of your looks slowly fades away.
Of course you can feel good about your appearance and take care of your looks but your worth, your knowledge, your abilities are not related to your physical appearance.

4. Accentuate your strengths
Start by making a list of all the things about yourself that make you feel confident, beautiful, strong, capable…and start accentuating your talents/strengths.
There’s nothing wrong with showing off what makes you feel your best. You don’t have to be good at everything, focus on what you’re good at and become an expert.
5. Interupt your negative thoughts with positive ones.
If you’re used to feeling self-conscious or insecure, it might be difficult at first but whenever you catch yourself in a negative thought, stop yourself. Pause and think of something positive or simply say “NO”. Then distract yourself with another thought. You literally have the choice to not accept negative thoughts about yourself. (I often catch myself thinking some not-so-helpful thoughts and I have found literally yelling STOP or NOPE in my head makes me re-think my negative thoughts and change them.
You can learn how to do anything, including how to be more confident with yourself and how to control your mindset.
6. Boost your confidence with affirmations
A helpful way to start interrupting your negative thoughts and replacing them with more positive ones is to incorporate positive affirmations into your daily routine.
Start listening to or saying positive affirmations and give yourself a pep-talk. When you’re used to thinking negative thoughts about yourself it feels unnatural BUT…no one has to know you’re secretly hyping yourself up.
If you don’t know where to start take a look at these positive affirmations for confidence and self-esteem. I promise once you consistently add positive affirmations into your routine it will become more natural and easy.
Seriously, positive affirmations have so many benefits and can change the way you see yourself drastically!
7. Identify where you lack confidence
Start paying attention to when and where you feel your least confident. People have different areas that they don’t feel confident in, so start working on identifying and strengthening those areas. It could be physically, public speaking, making friends, connecting with others, any area you don’t feel confident.
Although it might feel uncomfortable, working on these areas will allow you to build unshakable confidence.
The only person’s approval you truly need, is your own!
Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.
henry ford
8. Change your body language.
Become aware of how you stand and the body language you give off.Other people recognize when you’re not confident in yourself, and some people, sadly will use that as an excuse to walk all over you.
When you come off as insecure and people use that as an excuse to treat you a certain way, you end up feeling more insecure and shitty about yourself. Stand tall, shoulders back and walk with purpose. Even when you feel insecure, no one else needs to know that and with time your inner confidence will grow to match your improved body language.

9. Do things for yourself that make you feel good
When do you feel your best, most confident, secure, happy, self? Maybe it’s when you’re at the gym, at work, playing a game you know you’re amazing at. It doesn’t matter what that thing is, just do more of it!
Soak in all that confidence and sure-of-yourself attitude and try to find ways to recreate that feeling in other areas where you don’t feel as confident. “Feeling is the Secret.”by Neville Goddard is a great book to read and will help you understand why this is so important.
10. Consume motivational, uplifting content that makes you feel good.
Be careful with what you spend your time on. Does what you’re watching, listening to, absorbing…make you feel confident? Do the people you follow make you feel empowered and confident about yourself, or do they make you feel insecure? Unfollow any accounts that make you feel inferior or that you find comparing yourself to. Follow accounts that inspire, motivate and make you feel good.
Life isn’t about comparing yourself to anyone else. It’s perfectly okay to look up to someone and admire where they are, but never compare anyone else’s journey to your own. You are just as capable and deserving!
I love this article from Tony Robins’ website, it outlines so many good points on how to boost your confidence and finally step into your most confident self. Check out that article here.
Final Thoughts
There we have it, the top 10 tips on how to be more confident with yourself. I know these strategies have helped me in massive ways, and I know they can help you build more confidence too!
Feel free to leave any comments, suggestions or tips you have in the comments!
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