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Journaling is an amazing way to connect with your subconscious mind and allow your feelings, mental blocks and true desires to come to the surface. It can be hard to get truly honest with yourself. However, these 27 journal prompts for manifestation will help you truly align your reality with what you want and say goodbye to what you don’t.

It can be painful and hard to accept that WE are the ones allowing ourselves to suffer. This is why manifestation journal prompts are a must when you are on the journey to creating the life you love.
Journaling honestly and allowing your deepest thoughts to flow onto the paper will help you free yourself.
Journal prompts for manifestation are an essential tool you need to try out. I am the type of person who likes to write things out to remember them. Journaling for manifestation is one of my favourite tools to create the life I want to live and shift my perspective and reality.
With that said, I wanted to share my favourite 27 journal prompts for manifestation so you can use them to begin creating a life you love and discover what you really want in life.
TIP: Be completely honest, don’t hold back and allow yourself to freely write whatever comes into your mind when you read the prompts.
27 Journal Prompts for Manifestation:
- What makes you happiest? Think about what it is that makes you lose track of time and feel your best.
- What is it that you crave? Time freedom? True love? What is it deep down that your soul is craving?
- What do you think might be holding you back?
- Is there anything that you need to let go of?
- What would you do if failure was NOT an option, your dream was guaranteed.
- What is holding you back from taking action in order to create your dream life?
- List 3 intentions you can set to help you manifest your dream life?
- How can you take better care of yourself?
- What can you do every day to raise your vibration?
- Write down what a day in your dream life would look like. What does it look like? What do you feel? Who’s there? What are you doing? Etc.
- Are there any excuses you’re giving yourself? Be HONEST with yourself!
- What are you most grateful for? (Can be as simple as the roof over your head)
- Write 10 positive affirmations for yourself to recite daily.
- What does your ideal daily life looks like:
- Is there anything or someone in your life that might be lowering your vibration?
- Write out 5 traits that you love about yourself:
- Define what being successful means to you.
- What are some of the toxic habits you need to change?
- Challenge your fears! What are your biggest fears that are holding you back from going after what you want in life?
- Do you feel in touch with your higher self?
- What advice do you think your highest version of self would give you if they saw you struggling?
- Write down your biggest goal. Now write the steps you would need to take in order to get there. (Don’t think about if it’s unrealistic or “you could never” just WRITE what it would take to get there) Example: If your biggest goal was to win the lottery, the steps you would need to get there is setting your intention, remaining positive and your inspired action would be actually purchasing the lottery tickets.
- If you could start your life all over again, blank slate, how would you create it.
- Write a script of your ideal day. Imagine you are the character in a movie, what is the plot of your life?
- What would you be willing to sacrifice for your dream life?
- Where do you see yourself in 1 year? What about in 5 years? (If there was nothing holding you back)
- What do you feel your purpose is? It’s okay if you’re unsure…write down what you feel called to do. It could be helping people, being a mother, caring for animals. Anything that you feel in your heart.

Final Thoughts
I hope you found these 27 journal prompts for manifestation helpful. I have used many of these journal prompts myself and found amazing success with figuring out what my blackages are and what I truly want to create in this life.
If you want to dive deep into our subconscious and do some shadow work try the shadow work journal and workbook I created.

Lots of love and I wish you success with these journal prompts for manifestation. Happy manifesting!
Please don’t hesitate to leave a comment or email me at for any questions or guidance!
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