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Journaling is an amazing tool to reflect, set goals and figure out your internal dialogue. It can be therapeutic to get out your feelings on paper, without holding back or fear of someone judging you. Use these 27 journal prompts for the new year to reflect, let go of what you want to release and set new goals. Reset your mindset through journaling and start creating a life you love.

If you want a prompted journal to reset your mind and get into the depths of your subconscious so you can uncover your limiting beliefs, I have created this shadow work prompted journal you can find on Amazon.
Reflecting on the last year:
- What are 10 things that I accomplished this past year?
- What is one thing I am proud of myself for accomplishing this year?
- What is something I am proud of myself for trying?
- What limiting beliefs about myself am I going to leave behind?
- What can I let go of right now to make space for something better?
- A person I forgive is:
- Who else do I need to forgive, including myself, so I can more forward without any baggage?
- What am I doing well in life?
- 10 things I am most grateful for:
- What are 3 of my greatest strengths?
- What are some things I can improve on? Is there anything I judge myself or others for?
- What is one unexpected blessing from this past year?
Setting goals with journal prompts for the new year:
- What is biggest goal I want to achieve this year?
- What are the kinds of things I will have to do in order to achieve this major goal?
- What are 3 hopes/wishes for this year?
- Who do I want to be by the end of next year?
- What does my ideal life look like, one year from now?
- What are 3 ways I can take better care of my health this year?
- List 3 ways I can take care of my wealth this coming year:
- List 3 ways I can improve my relationships this year:

Creative and inspiring journal prompts to manifest your dream life:
- If there was a 100% guarantee that I would succeed, what goals would I go after?
- What does my dream life look like?
- What is my dream job? Dream home?
- If I could have one superpower, what would it be?
- If I could experience one day as an animal what animal would I be?
- What is the first thing I would do if I won $60,000,000 dollars?
- If I could become anyone in the world, who would I become?
Final Thoughts:
I hope you found some of these 27 journal prompts for the new year inspiring and helpful. A new year is the perfect time to reflect on the past year, celebrate what we had and have, let go of what we wish to leave in the past and set some new, bigger and better goals!
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