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Feeling stuck in a job you absolutely hate? You can’t quit, because you need to survive but you just feel like your running on empty, ready to break down at any moment?
Keep reading to learn more on how to survive a job you hate.
I feel you! I spent years in school to get a degree in something I thought would make me happy and “successful”, only to find myself stuck years later in a job I hate.
This post will cover how I survived a job I hated with my whole being and how to get yourself “unstuck” from the cycle of hopelessness and burnt out from your job.

Reasons you might hate your job:
- it’s boring
- your pay is unsatisfying
- you aren’t passionate about that you’re doing
- there’s no meaning to your work
- you feel unappreciated
- toxic work environment and/or coworkers
- your work is mentally and/or physically exhausting
(Perhaps it’s all of the above)
How to Survive Working a Job you hate:
Find the positive
As difficult as it may be, try to reframe your mind from all the negative things you hate about the job and pick out some positives. (Dig deep…it could be as simple as a nice park you sit at lunch or something simple)
Reflect on why
Create a list of all the reasons you have this job and why you’re grateful to have it.
Example: Having this job allows you to take care of your family, or buy your pet their favourite toy. It can be anything.
Look at the simple things that you’re blessed to have. Things could always be worse.

Create an exit strategy
It’s easy to get sucked into a negative mindset when you feel stuck working a job you hate. Know that you won’t be there forever! Think of your job as a necessary task you must do in order to get where you really want to be.
This can suck-especially if you spent time in school for this job and think there’s no other options for you. If you don’t know where to start…start simple, research jobs, transferable skills you have, etc.
This article from Forbes outlines a “7 Step Exit Strategy” for when you hate your job.
Keep an open mind and go into work with the mindset that this is NOT forever. Create small goals that will get you moving in the right direction towards a different job. Example: Applying for new jobs, learning a new skill, updating your resume etc.

Purpose outside job
You don’t have to define yourself through your job. One of the best ways to survive a job you hate, is to have something to work on outside of the job.
Start up something on the side that you enjoy doing. Something that helped me not lose all hope when I was stuck in a job I hated, was having a side project that I actually enjoyed doing, and learning about. (Selling candles, creating digital products, starting a blog)…find something you can put some passion into.
Plus, maybe this could turn into a passion that makes you money.
This article has 100+ ideas for side hustles.
Keep the bigger picture in mind
We have limited time in this weird experience called life. No one really knows what they’re doing or what the purpose is. Keep the big picture in mind when work starts to wear you down.
Take the experience for what it is and know that nothing is permanent.
Care less
Not to say you should totally suck at your job and not do what you need to do, but don’t get caught up in the little things that don’t matter. Avoid gossip and pettiness.
Go into work with the mindset that you are there to do your job only, and don’t take on any additional stresses.
Take care of yourself! Make sure you eat a healthy lunch or take some time to get fresh air. If your job is very chaotic and it’s hard to get away for a moment of peace during the day, make sure you decompress and relax before you get home.
Seperate yourself from your work when you leave.

Take yourself less seriously
You are not your job. Your identity does not have to be what you do for work! It seems like in our culture your job holds some sort of power over who you are.
Find yourself outside of your work, even if your interests don’t fit with the “norm” of your job description. I always like to think of this MMA fighter that likes to knit. His job is to be an intense, cage fighter but he likes to sit down and knit in his spare time.
There’s so many people walking around trying to be who they think they need to be, instead of who they actually are.
Final Thoughts:
There you have it, tips on how to survive a job you hate. I hope this was helpful for anyone who is trying to get through a job they hate.
Leave any helpful tips you have or ways you survive working a job you don’t like.
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