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The word manifestation carries a lot of extra baggage these days. With the popularity of books and movies like The Secret, I think manifestation has become over complicated. This post will cover simple manifestation tips for beginners, and clear up any confusion beginners may have about intentionally manifesting your reality.
There are a lot of misconceptions about “manifestation”. It’s not some witchy, magical phenomenon, and because of its association with these things it turns people off of the topic. Whether you intentionally use the law of the attraction or not, it is always working within your life. Energy attracts more of that like energy.
With all that being said this is going to be all about simple manifestation tips for beginners. Simplify manifestation and make it work for you!

What is manifestation?
I’m sure if you are reading this, you have some sort of idea about what manifestation is.
Simply put, manifestation is an event, intention, or idea coming forth into physical existence or experience.
If you think of anything that ever was, it was first an idea that then manifested into physical being. Example: Someone had to come up with the idea of the iphone and all its components before it could actually manifest as a physical object.
Common Misconceptions of Manifestation:
Some of the most common misconceptions of manifestation are:
- You just “wish” or think about something and you recieve it
- It’s some magic, woo-woo, new-age bs
- It’s associated with witchcraft and is not a “good” thing
- You don’t have to put any work into it-it just comes to be
None of these things are true. If the idea of manifestation makes you uncomfortable you can do some research and dive deeper into understanding.
At one point I had a lot of questions too, The Complete Works of Florence Scovel Shinn helped me see things in a different light.
Simple Manifestation Tips for Beginners:
Open your Mind and Be Receptive
If your mind is closed off and you think that it’s not possible, not realistic, a bunch of b.s, well then it’s not going to work because with that mindset, it’s not possible.
Be open, be aware of your mindset and how it is either working with you or against you.
Be receptive and open to signs from the “Universe” from “God”…Whatever you believe in. Believe in what YOU feel is right, not what someone else tells you is the way. No one really knows for sure, so follow what you feel.
Once you open your mind, things you might have once chalked up to being a coincidence, will start to have more meaning and synchronicity.
Be Specific
Be very specific about what it is that you want!
Try not to be vague, “I want to attract a boyfriend” …That’s easy, you can attract any man to be your boyfriend. Be specific about what kind of person you want them to be, their qualities, etc.
Example: “I have attracted the perfect partner for me, who aligns with my beliefs and treats me well.” is much better, and specific than “I want a boyfriend”
Write your desires down in the present tense, as if you already have them.
Use an cute, lined manifestation journal like this one to write down all your manifestations.
Show Gratitude
You can’t attract wonderful things into your life if you’re always complaining or ungrateful about the things you have now.
Make a gratitude list each day (preferably in the morning and evening) of 5 things you are grateful for. They can be as simple as your warm bed, or clean clothes to wear.
I think being grateful for the small, simple things in life is humbling. There are so many people in this world that don’t have even the simple things we overlook.
Use positive affirmations to remind yourself of all that you already are and boost your confidence.

Accept Responsibility
Accept responsibility for the things that have manifested in your life so far. This can be a tough pill to swallow, and it is NOT to say that if bad things happen to you, you deserve it somehow.
Your current mindset and reality are a product of your past experiences, which created your beliefs about the world. Good news is, you have the complete power to control your mind and feelings.
You can’t change or control how someone thinks, acts, or treats you but you CAN control how you react and let your outer world affect you.
Ask and You Shall Receive
If you doubt yourself or think what you want is not “realistic” of course you won’t have it.
Ask for what you want, whether this is from God, The Universe, whatever you believe. Ask and believe that it is a possibility for you.
Visualize As If
Let go of the idea that you will be happen WHEN to have xyz.
Visualize your future self and brainstorm what emotions you would feel when you have what you desire.
Feel into these emotions, how would you act, feel, what would you do?
Once you have a list of what you would feel when you have what you want, brainstorm things that already make you feel that way.
Example: If the future you would be more confident and happy, brainstorm what makes you feel more confident and happy NOW and do those things.
While you’re in these emotional states visualize yourself with your desired reality and feel as if you already have it.
Remember being a kid and having a vivid imagination, that you could imagine pretty much anything.
Take Inspired Action
Like we covered in the misconceptions about manifestation, you can’t just put an intention out there and sit back and wait for it to happen. It’s not some magical voodoo and you need to take some sort of inspired action towards your goals.
I like think of it as showing or proving to the higher power that I am willing, I am capable and I am ready for whatever it is that I wish to manifest into my life.
If you ask the universe for a million dollars, so you can start your dream business and then you sit back and don’t actually do anything to get there, you’re showing that you aren’t ready to handle what it is that you desire.
Set simple goals that will get you moving towards your goal/intention and then take small steps of action each day.

Final Thoughts
There are a lot of misconceptions and confusing tips on how to manifest. I hope this list of simple manifestation tips for beginners was helpful for anyone starting or on their path to manifesting their best life.
Remember you hold the power to have the life you want, within yourself. Stop looking for outside validation. You hold all the power within yourself.
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